Friday, February 11, 2011

Music Causing Dizzyness

XIN RAN Messages from unknown mothers

Xinran was born in 1958. During the Cultural Revolution, she and her brother were kidnapped by the Red Guards, their parents deemed "reactionary" and sent to an orphanage for children from "dogs in the pay of imperialism."
Since 1983, China needs people to develop television and radio, capable of directing the educational debate programs while ensuring that the subjects "prohibited" are avoided. It entrusts Xinran production of these emissions. But she quickly became the host of a radio show, Words on the night breeze, broadcast daily between 22:00 and midnight.
In 1997, she decided to leave China and settled in England. She married there and had a son.
In 2002, a collection of lives of Chinese is published by Chatto & Windus. (Published by Readers International as the Chinese in 2003). He said the suffering, but also love and hope of these women.
Since the publication of his first book, international bestseller, Xinran is known worldwide. It publishes a bimonthly column in The Guardian on issues relating to China and is an advisor on relations with China for large corporations like the BBC. ( Picquier Edition)

titles available:

Chopsticks Chinese

Funeral celestial

China and the last: Messages of mother unknown
Opinions are divided on this écrivian Chinese would seen as "opportunist" by some ... she would write what we, adoptive mothers, we want to read ...


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