Thursday, December 3, 2009

Toddler Wrestling Siglets

The remarkable little cottonwood Canada Old Montreal. A small red maple

This poplar was born in the light of day this summer. Here in June on the street Brésoles in Old Montreal there was no greenery. We do not see this tree but still grounded already writing its embryonic contours. One morning he appeared quietly in silence. Humans have continued their daily tasks, perhaps some have they noticed this phenomenon?

poplar or cottonwood of Canada is the biggest tree in Montreal. It also has another feature of its own. Indeed, it is one that retains its leaves later in the fall among our native trees.

In addition he is the pioneer tree of choice in southern Quebec. It is present everywhere where conditions are conducive to its growth . A wasteland no poplar is rare. The slightest crack in the concrete it is a breeding ground. Here this little square of earth's found with a large quantity of seeds of Populus deltoids.

Also this piece of land was favorable to the implantation of settlers from France in 1642. It's near here that Ville-Marie was born. A plaque next to our little tree indicates that the first hospital was erected. There was then a trail in the forest and the first streets were taking shape.

Despite the obstacles the settlers cleared the land and there are perpetuated.

What will happen to our tree newly born? The plows are they going to tear it from its early roots? His life is precarious. It is the sole representative of the plant world in this environment reinforced asphalt and concrete.

This tree is already part of history in the early history of things seem trivial but which has much to teach us. If for some reason Montreal were to desert the poplars would prevail for some time, they become the pillars of a new forest to come. Our little

Poplar Street Brésoles would be a de Maisonneuve in the virgin land in green .

(drawing the first hospital in Montreal at the same location where the poplar grows in question)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Blue Blockers Theme Song


Montreal, Quebec, in late November.

There is not that large and old trees that are remarkable.

There are also these small phenomena that grow spontaneously and whose red leaves persist even when most other trees are completely stripped.

acer rubrum, red maple is one of several kinds of sugar maple sap that has collected in Pritemps into the famous maple syrup. The ancients called plain red or plain. Her luscious syrup is less than that of sugar maple itself, but it is a flamboyant autumnal fantastic adorning the forests of eastern North America.

Native Americans used it to dye it red. Its leaf is different from that of sugar maple by its teeth and its only red color in autumn. Here

this specimen grows spontaneously, it is surely in its first year. A samara (name the fruit of the maple) has found fertile ground where root.

We are in the neighborhood Sainte-Marie formerly called the''suburb''m'lasse named because of the huge old container in which molasses was stored near the port.

This district preserves land with fences and alleys to facilitate the growth of spontaneous vegetation. It is good to walk with our eyes wide open, that is how our eyes were attracted by this small tree rougeoiyant.

We can consider these as bright beads before winter. Soon everything will be covered with a white tablecloth infinite. If the snow is prompt and next it will be possible to contemplate this tree on a red background white for a brief moment.

This year the month of November was remarkable for his clemency is why it is possible to observe such a phenomenon. Red maple is a small thing in itself exceptional, but can still be admired at this time while all other trees are bare is certainly remarkable!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

What Beads Fit On Troll Bracelts

I was very touched by the loss of Jack Bouthillier which occurred in spring 2009 in the region where I grew up. The reaction of people in northern Ontario has really helped me to realize that war existed. The death of Jack to raise public awareness to the reality that there are countries that still need to defend freedom for which we are privileged. Jack was a guy who had a heart the welfare of people. He joined the Canadian Armed Forces with the desire to represent his country there or terrorism and violence resulting in casualties within a population in need. The desire to make a difference in people's lives is part of the commitment that members have in common.

Despite his young age he has marked his place as much within his community and in the profession he had chosen. We can see that his involvement in the evolution of our society today still marks the memory of people as the region of Hearst displayed openly to show his support for the troops. One notices the yellow ribbon symbol in the windows of several businesses in the Highway 11 through town. Even now some companies have chosen to wear red on Friday. This simple gesture is not only for the soldier in Afghanistan but for all who are part of the entourage of the military. I happened to meet family members of soldiers who have tears in their eyes when I wear red on Friday. This affects them greatly.

Jack's disappearance has deeply shaken the Northern Ontario leads people to take the time to better understand the involvement of a soldier with the Canadian military. His parents, who always support the troops despite the loss of their children proudly share the experiences that Jack has lived in the army. It with great interest that I listen to stories told by Raynald and Elaine Bouthillier. Being around them made me feel better about the world's military even if I do not personally know their boy. It changes my vision to see parents involved also encouraged those who are still in the Forces. Raynald and Elaine have remained very close friends of Jack.

The cause of the support of Canadian troops

I was looking for some time to get involved in a cause but I could not find the medium that had needs that motivate me to get involved. It was when my friend Danielle decides to organize an awareness event to support the troops that I have become more aware of the help I could provide. With the organization of this activity, I had to find information to better understand this medium. Sewing up I did meet with soldiers and veterans and their families.

more I learned and the enthusiasm took place, I had found the cause I wanted to support. Communicating with people with the information I learned during my research motivated me to go further in my commitment. Me information passed without my having to look too far, I discovered a different world than what we are told by the media. I spoke with people who have been or are still on the ground. I was fascinated by these soldiers who thanked me for doing all this for them. They expressed to me how they needed to know that people were behind them. In addition, I was amazed to see not just messages that are joint behind their men during their mission in Afghanistan and this for quite prolonged periods.

What I saw and what I learned was about to completely change my view of the military. I wondered how it was that we never hear about these things. I had been misinformed, I adopted the beliefs of others. I trusted what was told, even to hear or read the news made me feel that we were the only ones to fight in foreign lands I was bitter toward our government that sent our people to risk their lives this way. I saw only the word WAR and I watched the Afghan people with a haughty air. I was in a state of denigration towards the middle because I had heard only one version, that is to say what is said in the media.

What I learned from the Canadian Military

Become military or soldier is a profession, a career that is among the choices available to save his life. A choice that each human being on the planet has a moment to give his life to meet her needs. Like any business, sometimes there are functions to perform which are not always welcome but need to be done. Again, the individual responsible for these functions will require to do the work because it's part of his responsibility. A firefighter chose his job to save people, not because he loves the fire, the doctor chosen to guide people to stay healthy and not to feed the disease, the officer chosen for his job as peace reigns and it is respected. A trucker carrying flammable risks his life while on the road. We are not aware that many trades in Canada practice risky because no one draws our attention to them. It would be particularly interesting to see how many people died during the year by doing a dangerous job.

Following these findings add that I have met people who are proud to be part of those or those who worked for freedom continues to be part of our current values. These people are as passionate about their profession was a career choice that are also provide lot of personal satisfaction and fulfillment. I learned to see this job through the eyes of a soldier who was in front of me and did not regret his career choice is there for some time. I saw a young soldier to go and help motivate these people have a better life instead of knowing the misery. These same people have taught me that the army involves several countries, which all aim to help, there is no boundary when emotions are experienced positive or negative for the same cause.

Let us remember our origins

Since I organize activities to support the troops I have heard some pretty derogatory such as the Afghan people: that a bunch of backward, and they never change; they let themselves be led by their religious belief is impossible that the presence of our army can change something and people who sailed in the army are chosen as they arrange themselves with their choice, it is that our Canadian military involvement in this war. I clearly felt indifference and trial fueled by the sense of being better than them. Some Canadians believe that they too are having to evolve to the actions of the sort.

While we recall that at one time or is it that people were burned alive for having the actions or behavior unacceptable to the Catholic religion. There were hangings and massacres against nations other than ours again in the name of religion. We force the indigenous believers to change their custom and civilize. On the other hand, it is a war that took place on the Plains of Abraham in Quebec City and I suppose that this product is to have power over the weak. I'm not the most gifted to remember the history lessons we learned at school but I remember the story quite bizarre. We remember very well all the more bizarre beliefs from each other than Canadian citizens adopted the name of religion.

Yet when I look at today what we've become, I think he has been an evolution happen in everyone's mind. Quietly customs have changed, beliefs have been transformed to provide an opportunity for each individual to be oneself. If each person

took a minute to get into a state of compassion, respect, accepting the weaknesses of others and doing so with humility, we would see the energy levels rise and this would give people the chance to relate to evolve. The human being needs to be recognized for what it does, it also needs to be loved for what it is and then feel better and self-confidence. To be an accomplished individual.

Conclusion My message becomes clearer as I go in my mission, I have the gift to communicate and bring people together. I now feel that I can put these skills to service a group of individuals whose mandate is to help others, this individual who continues to call inside to serve his country so that we can live freely.

I support the soldier or the soldier who needs to know I'm behind, I support all those who are part of the entourage of the military, my support is also distinguished by communicating information on activities taking place or sharing messages of encouragement that I receive from both civilian and military. I notice since my involvement to support the troops there are many people who want to display their support after learn a little more but they do not know how.

As a civilian, I invite those who wish to support me in my mission. I need you to pass your turn to newly acquired information. Another way to support the troops is to wear red on Fridays, a simple and free but that is so heart-warming to those who are concerned.

Thank you for taking the time to read ...

Lise Charron

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Monday, November 23, 2009

Leaner Mirror Secured To The Wall?

tree spider gold or Witch Hazel.

Few trees that bloom at this time of year and yet there is one that produces multiple small yellow flowers that some call the golden tree of spiders.

It is true that these flowers are reminiscent of the silhouette of a spider. It is true we also see this tree rarely.

witch hazel, Hamamelis virginiana, is his real name.

I do not expect to find it this morning in my favorite alley where I spent many, many times!

After having seen the rare American Chestnut and the majestic tulip tree in Virginia that is now the Witch Hazel!

This street is a closely guarded secret that not only shows his good friends. Well I think that any person friend of the trees is a good friend. So the coordinates of the said street: between Mentana Street and St Andrew's Plateau Mont-Royal.

You'll find a wide variety of plants, shrubs and trees. I do not know more varied in Montreal.

It would be so rich to incorporate this small piece of territory in primary and secondary schools in the district. Rebuild schools revive the road was talking about Marie-Victorin would be so appropriate in this day and short.

anti-healing properties of witch hazel were well known Native American who taught the settlers which used them in the after-shave lotions. Today, the Witch hazel has a place in the manufacture of aftershave lotion that can be found on the market.

tree spider gold flowers from October to November, is not this amazing thing! What secret of evolution behind such a phenomenon?

All that being said, we consider this specimen as a remarkable tree that lets contemplate by those who walk with a slow and quiet and observed with eagle eyes.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Factory Sound Bank Missing

The sulfur fungus, mushroom how remarkable!

was never done to discover the natural wonders of Mt Royal. Trees, plants, mammals, birds, rocks, landscapes, insects ... . Mushrooms are unique that they have different shapes and amazing colors, sometimes flamboyant as the sulfur fungus hued bright oranges.

is called fungi growing on trees polypore. This large specimen of sulfur fungus grows on an old oak Mt Royal Cemetery. It is easy to identify it, its size and intensity of the color attracts attention.

The first time addresses this phenomenon of nature is still dazed, there is a fear that arises from within, you feel it would be better not to approach it and certainly not touch. This fear of the unknown and the toxicity of certain fungi is common among many people.

Yet here, nothing to fear. This lump is harmless, it is even edible. It is sold at the Jean-Talon!

Is it not a source of inspiration for the painter?

What is the history of the sulfur fungus ... why evolution did produce such a color?

In any case, this oak is noted for its beautiful adornment. The fascination generated by this fungus makes it an exceptional tree of the mountain, a living monument to its decline, a work of art transformation that will soon return to earth.

Yes, there is much to discover on Mt-Royal!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

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The three Japanese larch Joyce Park, three pure poetry. A

at Joyce Park, Outremont, one can see three Japanese larch, the largest in Quebec, three poems in pure gold leaf.

I could say this or that these trees, but there are moments when stripped of all thoughts look offers unparalleled refreshment.

These larch open the door to the world of beauty. While most other trees have lost their leaves them the latest blaze sparks of color in the autumn sky.

These three poems back to what matters. They reflected a certain transcendence. The fact of contemplating is a creative act as some would say wiser. Go

artist in the world ... open this gate!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Homemade Christmas Advent Wreath

larch and black ash remains of ancient wetlands Mt-Royal?

This larch, Larix laricina, Mt Royal Cemetery is probably the biggest Montreal. Is it a remnant of the original forest or has it been planted after 1874 when a fly to almost completely decimated saw this species ?

Larch does not support the shadow that's why he likes the bogs and wetlands. This tree may be down a larch which grew into one of these wetlands in the mountain there are hundreds of years.

It is completely separate on Mt-Royal. No other larch of this dimension! Is there a survivor of the plague that was mentioned above?

Ultimately it is possibly a tree, a living artifact, related to the life of rivers now disappeared from the mountain.

Similarly in For this black ash, another species that grows in wetlands. This specimen reached a very large size that we hardly used to seeing. Would he also descended from a specimen whose lives have been immersed in one of the original marshes of the Mont-Royal?

These are questions that will lead the hiker to watch this environment in a new light. These two remarkable presences Mt Royal Cemetery, tamarack and black ash, may reflect a continuous history that is lost in the mists of time!

Can I Have Primary Hiv Infection Without Rash

Three remarkable foliage, fresh daily.

Little red oak.

Sheet bigtooth.

Sheet vinegar.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Conratulations On Your Engagement Sayings

The remarkable white oak TMR.

This white oak (Quercus alba) of 398 Glengarry Ville Mont-Royal is an artifact of more than 200 years of history of the territory formerly covered the village of St Lawrence. In 2007 he was appointed as the most beautiful tree on private property in Ville Mont-Royal.

White oak, Quercus alba, is the rarest and most valuable of our native oaks. While red oak dominates on Mount Royal and the bur oak reveals itself in all its splendor in a few places including Senneville Road, White Oak, he seems absent, it looks like he has withdrawn from the territory. In terms of swamp white oak, it is found sporadically in Montreal.

At one time, quantity of white oak and bur oak in the valley of the Richelieu was sent to the tropics. These were highly valued for shipbuilding. There are only a few stands of white oak in Quebec. The finest, those of Gatineau Park in Ottawa, are protected.

The bark of white oak was used for tanning hides. In addition, Native Americans used them in traditional medicine to treat hemorrhoids, minor cuts, sinus congestion and other ills.

Near our beautiful tree, a house bi-centenary, the oldest town of Mount Royal. Located at the intersection of Street and Glengarry Blvd. Graham testifies she quietly then land. The stream of Cote-des-Neiges was sinking near the axis linking the village of Cote-des-Neiges in the St. Lawrence.

It remains to be seen if the white oak in question is a remnant of a woodland him even a vestige of the original forest which was simply whether it planted on agricultural land, possibly on land belonging to the owners of this historic house then.

Like this oak has a port whose branches were pushed to the four winds we assume it was planted because it came from a wooded area would be above its trunk and right. In addition, the acorns of this tree are edible ...

We still have not seen such Quercus alba on Montreal and its environs. The lover who sees this specimen tree for the first time into raptures. He will live an experience of great wealth. It will be a little secret, a little gem housed in depths of his being that he will share his sober friends (es).

Monday, October 19, 2009

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maple sugar dance the tango.

(sugar maple leaf on leaf litter of Ginkgo.)

Berger 303 Paint Chart

(This photo was taken today while the lowest ones were almost there 2 weeks)

(you can see this specimen maple sugar Mt Royal Cemetery by entering through the entrance of Remembrance Road. It is to the left a few steps from the entrance.)

This afternoon we walk up on Mont-Royal We met Suzanne B. It was so beautiful. We walked, talked and took the time to observe the surrounding beauty.

Suzanne told me she was dancing the tango to her delight.

She loves the dance movements that requests. His view of nature is full of moving this vision of life. Check this before

sugar maple Mt Royal Cemetery she immediately recognized the dance steps of this living in the port of rare stature.

He dances the tango, she said!

She might have liked to join him and climb over the step? Or
his joy to see this miracle was not all his internalized?

maple sugar, blazing autumn forests of North America-East, Watha of Iroquois, Algonquin Michtan of dancing for millennia like dervishes still offering its sweet sap that delights our palates and we inspires a taste for singing and dancing of course.

Certainly, this almost century-old maple by the remarkable expansion of its port and the quality of his presence we will host an incentive to slow down our steps to move a little more pace and so s' open your eyes to the festival of colors!

Good dance Suzanne!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Sidekick And Piriformis

The biggest black locust Quebec.

The black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) is intimately connected to what was once called the small hill or small mountain now called Westmount.

Indeed, this is around the hill and found the largest specimens. King George Park has probably the largest number of old locust trees. He is everywhere present. The walker who stops there will be very perplexing.

In mid-June is the feast, it is in bloom!
These unique smell. This is one of the most perfumes exquisite nature has taken millions of years to develop. Take time to breathe the balm be unique student experience and is a mystery.

Further down south of this hill in 2080 Blvd. Rene Levesque found a beautiful specimen. Its trunk is over 90 cm making it the largest in the province *.

It looked to its natural range. It comes from the south-central United States and is now naturalized in our country. In addition, it colonizes the vacant lots.

It is found in abundance behind the University of Montreal at this location , A few years ago, it was transported several trips gravel following the construction of new buildings.

This is a tree that has every interest to be discovered. It enriches the lives of our neighborhoods. We offer a balm unusual and colonizes waste places.

* TREES OF MONTREAL. Mr. Gaudet. Ed. Fides, 1997.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Licenseplate Sticker Color For Ontario

The Red Elm or Indian Elm Street Cedar Crescent.

On the west side of Westmount is a street called Cedar Crescent and is very quiet.
On this street, at the foot of a public staircase, you can hear a runoff from a storm drain. This is probably the line of a former creek which wound the neighborhood and became the famous river St. Peter.

At the time just one side of the mountain there was to see a swamp ash, cedar and elm, all kinds of elms and especially red elm. This is possibly a descendant of one of these elms that can be admired on the street at Michel Bibaud.

This is the largest specimen of Ulmus rubra (slippery elm) we had the chance to see this day. Its silhouette is reminiscent of its cousin, the American elm but differs somewhat. It is mainly gray-brown bark cracked and very rough leaves that characterizes it.

Its common name is English or slippery elm slippery elm. It would be more accurate to translate slippery elm bark since mid-June to early July it is easy to peel. With this inner bark that contains coumarin, an aromatic substance, made into a powder which is marketed and that is a survival food that Native Americans taught the settlers.
It is said that George Washington's troops survived thanks to the latter for a dozen days during the American Revolution.

When I was fired a few shots this magnificent specimen last Tuesday I had the chance to meet Michel Therrien, gardener, who worked on the grounds of the property in question. He said he measured the circumference of this remarkable tree that is 14 feet or 4.27 m.

It is a little smaller than Elmo, the largest elm in New England that has a circumference of 4.77 meters. The champion of the state of Nebraska is 17 feet in circumference.

Among other English names there indian elm which informs us about the importance of this tree for Native Americans who pulled a rope from the fiber of the inner bark and with which they treated many ailments.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

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elm dedicated to Hubert Reeves. The big black willow

The Montreal Botanical Garden is lined with trees and flowers from around the world. There is a perpetual festival of beauty.

But we must not forget those few trees that were there before the creation of the garden in the early 30s.

this is the case of elm that can be admired from the main aisle near the entrance.

This rare specimen is more than a century and a plaque indicating that it is dedicated to Hubert Reeves, a friend of the outstanding botanical garden.

It is like a guardian and a witness places. Brother Marie-Victorin has surely known. It is part of a handful of elm trees of the garden that survived the famous Dutch elm disease. He is still with us ... for how long? Nobody knows ...

It is worthwhile to dwell on them, stopping at her foot and take time to smell his presence. It will provide a free resource with the bonus of a sober and lasting joy.