Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Spark Plugs Diagram For 2001 Ford Mustang 3.8

A pastry that makes you want ...

A small pastry you try?

That's what I found for you on the canvas ... to consume without moderation behind your screen ....

Philippe Conticini to create a cake or I'd rather for development of pastry.

The senses are awakened .....

By Viewed : - acid colors and joyful giving a fresh look impressive, the mood settles.

The smell: a clean smell intoxicates us with traditional pastries

The touch, first the glass bells are a distance that makes you want to touch and taste. I have not tested, but it really makes you want to experiment. (My trip to Paris soon surely lead me there, I would tell you!)
we are again talking of experience in the purchasing earlier in this blog!

But we must also think about the taste, it must be really good, watch this!

In any case the space key at all stages of an attractive point of sale (now remains to discover whether the customer is present in many to live location):

There is much Merchandising (uniform, packaging, development and thematic)
marketing adds sales technique because the challenges, inspires and encourages the consumer to identify with that environment.

The global environment that is anything but baking pastries of yesteryear or the rustic and the story was important. Now these values are still there but we just add a touch of modernity, customer service. It's a whole concept of creating a general atmosphere of A to Z.

The development of each unique softness makes it like a jewel in a casket, a luxury that we wishes to highlight a promotion. All these messages in one.

In addition, food hygiene is respected even though the pastries are not behind a desk but in the middle of space.

is a good example that the Design in Visual Merchandising can explore the aspect of "Food design" of our consumer society.

I love this cake, it is fresh and elegant, I am pleased to test myself, to experience the purchase of a pastry at this place ....!!!!

I put some images taken from the internet to make you want tasting or just to see!! A merchandising

simple, elegant and colorful ... (packaging, towel, map, flyers ...)

design functional space with a clarity and a net client flows easily through its empty and full ....

visibility from the street that calls ....


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